MerFight: Curse of the Arctic Prince | Press Kit


Initial Release
Early Access
Based in Pittsburgh, PA, USA
 Steam (2024-02-12)


MerFight is a fast-paced, merfolk-themed fighting game that provides a wide variety of tools for player expression, acting as a stepping stone for newcomers to the genre by allowing both traditional and more lenient versions of inputs to be used. Currently being developed by one of the leads behind Battle High, MerFight is now available on Stream,, and GameJolt with its first two free DLC characters having just been released.



MF AtlVDraMF CharSelect
MF DraVNaecoMF EnjVGigi
MF GammaVEnjMF GigiVBolt
Mertua GIgi OctMF Naeco V Strike
MF OctVGammaMF GigiVAtlas
char arcchar atlas
char boltchar drargos
char enjchar gamma
char gigichar naeco
char octchar odon
char rhochar strike


Atlas ArtBolt Art
Clamilton ArtDrargos Art
Enj ArtGigi Art
Jiro ArtNaeco Art
Octonia ArtOdon Art
Rho ArtStrike Art
MF LibraryCapsule



About Mattrified Games

Mattrified Games is an independent game development house located in Pittsburgh, PA. Though it was officially started in November 2014, Mattrified Games has been involved in the development of several games since 2011. Mattrified Games is a solo endeavor, meaning that a majority of the work is done by one person, its owner, Matthew DeLucas. Many talented individuals — voice artists, conceptual artists, and musicians for example — have worked on the games created by Mattrified Games and without them, some of its titles wouldn’t exist. Okay, enough talking in third person. The design philosophy behind the games I make is simple: create games that I would play. I know this is a risky approach as my taste differentiate from a lot of people out there, but I believe being passionate about the game you’re making starts with being passionate about playing the game you’ll make. Again, I want to make games that I would play, but I hope that by doing so, I create products that you will play and — even more importantly — enjoy.

© MerFight: Curse of the Arctic Prince | Web page created with Fee Presskit by Feemagie